Our Current Topic
All About Me
Communication and Language
Look at the pictures of faces and talk about them.
Ask open ended questions about stories and experiences.
Read a story. Ask what everybody likes best about the story everybody needs to listen to each others answers.
Provide small world play and role play that reflect the childrens experiences..
This is just a starting point, We follow the childrens interests and develop our learning from there.
Physical Development
Talk about healthy eating to help us to grow us strong.
Look at the effects of exercise on our bodies.
Look at different ways of moving.
Set challenges: How many hops can you do?
Look at numbers that are special to us- our ages, our door number.
Compare sizes of hands and feet.
What shapes can we make with our bodies?
How many letters are in our names?
Understanding the world
Go for a sensory walk, what do we see, hear, smell and touch?
Use a digital camera, allow the children to take pictures of each other.
Learn different parts of the body
Expressive Arts and Design
Use different media to make portraits, provide mirrors.
Make hand and footprints.
Draw around our bodies.
listen to music and encourage movement to the music.
Personal, social and emotional development
Talk about how we are all unique.
Ensure the play environment provides stimulating and challenging opportunities and areas that are calm and reassuring.
Talk about emotions and how we feel.
Take turns to choose things such as stories.
Provide mirrors and encourage the children to look at their features.
Do helicopter stories around our theme.
Encourage joining in with the repeated refrains.
Learn songs that reflect our theme- Head and Shoulders
Look at the letters in our names.